- P-ISSN 2233-4203
- E-ISSN 2093-8950
As background significantly affects measurement accuracy and a detection limit in determination of the traceamounts of uranium, it is necessary to determine the impurities in the Lexan detector film for single particle measurements bythermal ionization mass spectrometry coupled with fission track technique (FT-TIMS). We have prepared various micro sizes ofthe blank Lexan detector film using a micromanipulation technique for uranium measurements by TIMS. Few tens of fg of uraniumbackground with no remarkable dependency on the film sizes were observed in the blank Lexan films with the sizes from50 × 50 μm2 to 300 × 300 μm2. Based on the determination of the uranium background in the Lexan film, any background correctionis necessary in the isotopic analysis of a uranium single particle with micron sizes when the particle bearing Lexan film is dissectedwith less than 300 × 300 μm2 size. The isotopic analysis of a uranium particle in U030 standard material using TIMS was carriedout to verify the applicability of the Lexan film to the single particle analysis with high accuracy and precision.
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