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Vol.1 No.1

Hong, Chan-Yong pp.1-6

In this paper, some properties for a PI-ring satisfying the descending chain condition on essential left ideals are studied: Let R be a ring with a polynomial identity satisfying the descending chain condition on essential ideals. Then all minimal prime ideals in R are maximal ideals. Moreover, if R has only finitely many minimal prime ideals, then R is left and right Artinian. Consequently, if every primeideal of R is finitely generated as a left ideal, then R is left and right Artinian. A finitely generated PI-algebra over a commutative Noetherian ring satisfying the descending chain condition on essential left ideals is a finite module over its center.(omitted)

Park, Joong-Soo pp.7-11

Classically, valuation theory is closely related to the theory of divisors and conversely. If D is a Dedekined ring and K is its quotient field, then we can clearly construct the theory of divisors on D (or K), and then we can induce all the valuations on K ([3]). In particular, if K is a number field and A is the ring of algebraic integers, then since Z is Dedekind, A is a Dedekind rign and K is the field of fractions of A.(omitted)

Kang, Bong-Koo pp.13-18

The study of the integral of the scalar curvature, <TEX>$A(g)\;=\;{\int}_M\;RdV_9$</TEX> as a functional on the set M of all Riemannian metrics of the same total volume on a compact orient able manifold M is now classical, dating back to Hilbert [6] (see also Nagano [8]). Riemannian metric g is a critical point of A(g) if and only if g is an Einstein metric.(omitted)

Jee, Eun-Sook pp.19-24

Let P be a probability measure on the real line with Lebesque-density f. The usual estimator of the distribution function (≡df) of P for the sample <TEX>$\chi$</TEX><TEX>$_1$</TEX>,…, <TEX>$\chi$</TEX><TEX>$\_$</TEX>n/ is the empirical df: F<TEX>$\_$</TEX>n/(t)=(equation omitted). But this estimator does not take into account the smoothness of F, that is, the existence of a density f. Therefore, one should expect that an estimator which is better adapted to this situation beats the empirical df with respect to a reasonable measure of performance.(omitted)

Yoo, Bok-Dong pp.25-27

Suppose that X is a Banach space with continuous dual <TEX>$X^{**}$</TEX>, (<TEX>$\Omega$</TEX>, <TEX>$\Sigma$</TEX>, <TEX>${\mu}$</TEX>) is a finite measure space. f : <TEX>$\Omega\;{\longrightarrow}$</TEX> <TEX>$X^{*}$</TEX> is a weakly measurable function such that <TEX>$\chi$</TEX><TEX>$^{**}$</TEX> f <TEX>$\in$</TEX> <TEX>$L_1$</TEX>(<TEX>${\mu}$</TEX>) for each <TEX>$\chi$</TEX><TEX>$^{**}$</TEX> <TEX>$\in$</TEX> <TEX>$X^{**}$</TEX> and <TEX>$T_{f}$</TEX> : <TEX>$X^{**}$</TEX> \longrightarrow <TEX>$L_1$</TEX>(<TEX>${\mu}$</TEX>) is the operator defined by <TEX>$T_{f}$</TEX>(<TEX>$\chi$</TEX><TEX>$^{**}$</TEX>) = <TEX>$\chi$</TEX><TEX>$^{**}$</TEX>f. In this paper we study the properties of bounded <TEX>$X^{*}$</TEX> - valued weakly measurable functions and bounded <TEX>$X^{*}$</TEX> - valued weak* measurable functions.(omitted)

Chung, Bo Hyun pp.29-33

There are various aspects of the solution of boundary-value problems for second-order linear elliptic equations in two independent variables. One useful method of solving such boundary-value problems for Laplace's equation is by means of suitable integral representations of solutions and these representations are obtained most directly in terms of particular singular solutions, termed Green's functions.(omitted)

Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: The Pure and Applied Mathematics