ISSN : 3059-0604
In this paper, we define the notions of (3, 2)-fuzzy ideal of subtraction semigroup and near subtraction semigroup. Also, we discuss some of its properties with examples.
The aim of this paper is to study the concept of s-topological d-algebras which is a d-algebra supplied with a certain type of topology that makes the binary operation defined on it d-topologically continuous. This concept is a generalization of the concept of topological d-algebra. We obtain several properties of s-topological d-algebras.
This manuscript is divided into three segments. In the first segment, we prove a unique common fixed point theorem satisfying generalized weak contraction on partially ordered metric spaces and also give an example to support our results presented here. In the second segment of the article, some common coupled fixed point results are derived from our main results. In the last segment, we investigate the solution of integral equation as an application. Our results generalize, extend and improve several well-known results of the existing literature.
In this paper we study the effect of integer translation on Nevanlinna's characteristic function of a meromorphic function. Also, we investigate comparative growth of integer translated entire and meromorphic functions under different conditions.
We prove some common fixed point theorems for β-non-decreasing mappings under contraction mapping principle on partially ordered metric spaces. We study the existence of solution for periodic boundary value problems and also give an example to show the degree of validity of our hypothesis. Our results improve and generalize various known results.
We establish some common fixed point theorems satisfying weak ψ - ϕ contraction on partially ordered non-Archimedean fuzzy metric spaces. By using this results we show the existence of fixed point on the domain of words and apply this approach to deduce the existence of solution for some recurrence equations associated to the analysis of Quicksort algorithms and divide and Conquer algorithms, respectively and also give an example to show the usefulness of our hypothesis. Our results generalize, extend and improve several well-known results of the existing literature in fixed point theory.
Different versions of the boundary Schwarz lemma for the 𝒩 (𝜌) class are discussed in this study. Also, for the function g(z) = z+b<sub>2</sub>z<sup>2</sup>+b<sub>3</sub>z<sup>3</sup>+... defined in the unit disc D such that g ∈ 𝒩 (𝜌), we estimate a modulus of the angular derivative of g(z) function at the boundary point 1 ∈ 𝜕D with g'(1) = 1 + 𝜎 (1 - 𝜌), where <TEX>${\rho}={\frac{1}{n}}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}}g(c_i)={\frac{g^{\prime}(c_1)+g^{\prime}(c_2)+{\ldots}+g^{\prime}(c_n)}{n}}{\in}g^{\prime}(D)$</TEX> and 𝜌≠1, 𝜎 > 1 and c<sub>1</sub>, c<sub>2</sub>, ..., c<sub>n</sub> ∈ 𝜕D. That is, we shall give an estimate below |g"(1)| according to the first nonzero Taylor coefficient of about two zeros, namely z = 0 and z ≠ 0. Estimating is made by using the arithmetic average of n different derivatives g'(c<sub>1</sub>), g'(c<sub>2</sub>), ..., g'(c<sub>n</sub>).