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  • P-ISSN3059-0604
  • E-ISSN3059-1309
  • KCI

Vol.9 No.1

Narang, T.D. pp.1-7

For A bounded subset G of a metric Space (X,d) and <TEX>$\chi \in X$</TEX>, let <TEX>$f_{G}$</TEX> be the real-valued function on X defined by <TEX>$f_{G}$</TEX>(<TEX>$\chi$</TEX>)=sup{<TEX>$d (\chi, g)\in:G$</TEX>}, and <TEX>$F(G,\chi)$</TEX>={<TEX>$z \in X:sup_{g \in G}d(g,z)=sup_{g \in G}d(g,\chi)+d(\chi,z)$</TEX>}. In this paper we discuss some properties of the map <TEX>$f_G$</TEX> and of the set <TEX>$ F(G, \chi)$</TEX> in convex metric spaces. A sufficient condition for an element of a convex metric space X to lie in <TEX>$ F(G, \chi)$</TEX> is also given in this pope.

Kim, Chang-Il pp.9-17

In this Paper, we will show that every basically disconnected space is a projective object in the category <TEX>$Tych_{\sigma}$</TEX> of Tychonoff spaces and <TEX>$_{\sigma}Z^{#}$</TEX> -irreducible maps and that if X is a space such that <TEX>${\Beta} {\Lambda} X={\Lambda} {\Beta} X$</TEX>, then X has a projective cover in <TEX>$Tych_{\sigma}$</TEX>. Moreover, observing that for any weakly Linde1of space, <TEX>${\Lambda} X : {\Lambda} X\;{\longrightarrow}\;X$</TEX> is <TEX>$_{\sigma}Z^{#}$</TEX>-irreducible, we will show that the projective objects in <TEX>$wLind_{\sigma}$</TEX>/ of weakly Lindelof spaces and <TEX>$_{\sigma}Z^{#}$</TEX>-irreducible maps are precisely the basically disconnected spaces.

Lee, Eui-Woo pp.19-30

We consider one class of bursting oscillation models, that is square-wave burster. One of the interesting features of these models is that periodic bursting solution need not to be unique or stable for arbitrarily small values of a singular perturbation parameter <TEX>$\epsilon$</TEX>. Recent results show that the bursting solution is uniquely determined and stable for most of the ranges of the small parameter <TEX>$\epsilon$</TEX>. In this paper, we present a condition of uniqueness and stability of periodic bursting solutions for all sufficiently small values of <TEX>$\epsilon$</TEX> > 0.

Kwean, Hyuk-Jin pp.31-37

In this paper, we find explicitly the eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions of Laplace operator on a triangle domain with a mixed boundary condition. We also show that a weaker form of the principle of spatial averaging holds for this domain under suitable boundary condition.

Lee, Joung-Nam pp.39-45

In this paper, we study the space of almost continuous functions with the topology of uniform convergence. And we investigate some properties of this space.

Lee, Byung-Soo ; Noh, Jae-Duk pp.47-55

In this pope., we consider a Minty's lemma for (<TEX>$\theta ,\eta$</TEX>)-pseudomonotone-type set-valued mappings in real Banach spaces and then we show the existence of solutions to variational-type inequality problems for (<TEX>$\theta ,\eta$</TEX>)-pseudomonotone-type set-valued mappings in nonreflexive Banach spaces.

Kim, Ju-Young ; Kim, Sung-Sook pp.57-61

Let G be a connected graph. A pebbling move on a graph G is the movement of taking two pebbles off from a vertex and placing one of them onto an adjacent vertex. The pebbling number f(G) of a connected graph G is the least n such that any distribution of n pebbles on the vertices of G allows one pebble to be moved to any specified, but arbitrary vertex by a sequence of pebbling moves. In this paper, the pebbling numbers of the compositions of two graphs are computed.

Kim, Jeong-Ook pp.63-72

An inverse interpolation problem for rational matrix functions with a certain type of symmetricity in zero-pole structure is studied.

Lee, Byoung-Mu pp.73-79

In this paper, We Characterize the Pettis integrability for the Dunford integrable functions on a perfect finite measure space.

GeorgiyL.Shevlyakov(St. Petersburg State Technical Uni-versity) ; JaeWonLee(KumohNational University of Technology) pp.81-90

Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: Theoretical Mathematics and Pedagogical Mathematics