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Vol.28 No.3


The purpose of this paper is to define and study some new classes of sets by using nano operation namely, ζ-nano regular open, ζ-nano open, ζ-nano α-open, ζ-nano pre-open, ζ-nano semi-open, ζ-nano b-open and ζ-nano β-open in nano topology. Some properties and the relationships between these sets and the related concepts are investigated. Also, we found the deciding factors for the most common disease fever.

Naghibi, R. ; Anvariyeh, S.M. ; Mirvakili, S. pp.217-234 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.7468/jksmeb.2021.28.3.217

In this paper, first we introduce the new class of HV-BE-algebra as a generalization of a (hyper) BE-algebra and prove some basic results and present several examples. Then, we construct the HV-BE-algebra associated to a BE-algebra (namely BL-BE-algebra) based on "Begins lemma" and investigate it.


In this study, a Schwarz lemma at the boundary for analytic functions at the unit disc, which generalizes classical Schwarz lemma for bounded analytic functions, is considered.The results of Rogosinskis lemma and Jacks lemma have been utilized to derive novel inequalities. Also, these inequalities have been strengthened by considering the critical points which are different from zero.

Lim, Dong Ho ; Kim, Hoonjoo pp.247-252 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.7468/jksmeb.2021.28.3.247

Let M be a real hypersurface in a complex space form M<sub>n</sub>(c), c &#x2260; 0. In this paper, we prove that if (&#x2207;<sub>X</sub>&#x03D5;)Y + (&#x2207;<sub>Y</sub>&#x03D5;)X = 0 holds on M, then M is a Hopf hypersurface, where &#x03D5; is the tangential projection of the complex structure of M<sub>n</sub>(c). We characterize such Hopf hypersurfaces of M<sub>n</sub>(c).

Prasad, Gopi ; Dimri, Ramesh Chandra ; Kukreti, Shivani pp.253-266 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.7468/jksmeb.2021.28.3.253

In this paper, we generalize the notion of comparable set-valued mappings by introducing two types of &#x1D4E1;-closed set-valued mappings and utilize these to obtain an analogue of celebrated Mizoguchi and Takahashi fixed point theorem in relational metric spaces. To annotate the claims and usefulness of such findings, we prove fixed point results for both set-valued and single-valued mappings and validate the assertions with the help of examples. In this way, these investigations extend, modify and generalize some prominent recent fixed point results obtained by Tiammee and Suantai [24], Amini-Harandi and Emami [4], Prasad and Dimri [19] and several others in the settings of relational metric spaces.

Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: The Pure and Applied Mathematics