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  • P-ISSN3059-0604
  • E-ISSN3059-1309
  • KCI

Krull Dimension of a Completion

Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: Theoretical Mathematics and Pedagogical Mathematics / Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: Theoretical Mathematics and Pedagogical Mathematics, (P)3059-0604; (E)3059-1309
2004, v.11 no.1, pp.23-27
Hwnag, Chul-Ju


We calculate dim <TEX>$\hat{A}$</TEX> which is a completion of a Noetherian ring A with respect to I-adic topology. We do not use localization but power series techniques.

Noetherian, completion, dimA

Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: Theoretical Mathematics and Pedagogical Mathematics