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메뉴The study was designed to develop and examine the effects of group coaching program to overcome academic procrastination based on the transtheoretical model for middle school students. The program consisted of eight processes of change including the consciousness-raising, emotional arousal, self-reevaluation, commitment, reward, countering, environment control, helping relationships. and confidence enhancement. The program consisted of a total of eight sessions including 90 minutes per session and the final program was completed after a preliminary experiment on 19 middle school students. In order to verify the effectiveness of the program, the program was implemented to 54 middle school students who were assigned 16 for the experiment group, 16 for the comparison group, and 22 for the control group. While the experiment group participated in the group coaching program based on the transtheoretical model developed in this study, the comparison group participated in the time management program. The control group did not participate in any program. The experiment, comparison, and control group were tested in pre, post, and follow-up(1 month, 3 months) in order to decisional balance of academic procrastination control, self-efficacy of academic procrastination control, stages of change in academic procrastination control, academic procrastination, and self-directed learning ability. The program effect analysis was conducted on 41 individuals, 13 in the experiment group, 13 in the comparison group and 15 in the control group, except for 13 who scored low academic procrastination in the pre-test. One-way ANOVA analysis was conducted to confirm the homogeneity of the three groups, and then mixed ANOVA analysis was conducted to verify the interaction between time interval and group. The results showed that the interaction between time interval and group was significant in cons recognition of academic procrastination control, self-efficacy of academic procrastination control, stages of change in academic procrastination control, academic procrastination. Thus, the group coaching program to overcome academic procrastination based on the transtheoretical model developed in this study has been shown to be effective in modifying overcoming academic procrastination of middle school students. Also, it was confirmed that the coaching effectiveness was maintained. Based on the results of this study, implications and limitations of this study and future research were discussed.
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