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메뉴Only a few studies have investigated the influence of career calling on career adaptability and the mechanisms behind this relationship, so this investigated how the search for and presence of meaning, the two elements of meaning in life, affect this relationship. 247 Participants completed a survey on career calling, career adaptability, the search for meaning and the presence of meaning. Correlational analysis was conducted to examine the relationships between the research variables. A serial multiple mdediating effects test was conducted to test the proposed mediating effects. Finally, a bootstrapping procedure was used with SPSS Macro to test the significance of the indirect effects. The results were as follows: First, career calling was positively related with career adaptability. Second, the search for and presence of meaning both partially mediated the relationship between career calling and career adaptability. This result implies that the search for meaning alone can lead to positive outcomes, such as increasing career adaptability, a result not found in previous studies. Third, the relationship between career calling and career adaptability was sequentially mediated by the search for meaning and the presence of meaning. This paper ends with a discussion of implications of this study’s results in clinical practice and this study’s limitations.
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