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메뉴This study was carried out to identify main variables and mediating process that influence binge eating among adolescents. The study aimed at providing information that helps adolescent girls grow up healthy, mentally and physically, by examining through self-esteem how academic stress, a presumptive main variable of binge eating disorder, affects binge eating among adolescent girls who are most vulnerable to eating disorder. The subjects of the study included a total of 581 students who were in the first or second year at an academic Women's High School in Kyonggi-province. As for tools employed here, binge eating scale, the scale of academic stress and self-esteem scale were used. The outcome of the study was summarized as follows. First, self-esteem was found to be significantly negatively related to binge eating disorder, proving that high school girls are more likely to have binge eating disorder as they have lower self-esteem. Second, study-related stress was found to be significantly negatively related to self-esteem, proving that high school girls have lower self-esteem as they have more study-related stress. Third, study-related stress was found to influence high school girls' binge eating through self-esteem. Self-esteem was found to serve as a partial intermediary between study-related stress and binge eating disorder. That is, high school girls are more likely to have binge eating disorder as they have more study-related stress. In addition, as they have more study-related stress, their self-esteem declines, and as their self-esteem decreases they are more likely to have binge eating disorder.Therefore, it will lead to a more effective instruction and the establishment of more appropriate treatment strategy in resolving the lots of problems of adolescents suffering from eating disorder to examine study-related stress, the biggest stress factor of adolescents in Korea, and the self-esteem which means the overall assessment of oneself.In conclusion, this study has confirmed that adolescents' self-esteem has an intermediary effect on the relationship between study-related stress and binge eating disorder. It also suggests that a strategy and various programs that enhance adolescents' self-esteem during the treatment of binge eating disorder should be developed.
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