Purpose – This study investigated the effects of leaders of national universities on faculty creativity. The study examined transformational leadership and creativity theories and investigated self-efficacy, the parameter between transformational leadership and creativity, to examine its moderating effect and provide policy implications for national universities. Research design, data, and methodology – This study built four hypotheses based on the literature review, and tested these using a survey methodology. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 15.0. Result – At the national universities, the results were as follows: charisma of leaders had a positive influence on member creativity; intellectual stimulus of leaders had a positive influence on member creativity; and, individual consideration of leaders had a positive influence on member creativity. Therefore, leaders’ transformational leadership had a positive influence on member creativity. Conclusion – Creativity is thought to be important for organizational survival and continuous development at rapidly changing education administrations. Educational administration leaders should exercise transformational leadership to develop member creativity. Member self-efficacy, which had a mediating effect on creativity, requires leadership to develop it.
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