• P-ISSN1010-0695
  • E-ISSN2288-3339

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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

The Effect of Korean, Chinese and American Ginseng on Blood Pressure of Hypertensive Patients

Journal of Korean Medicine / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2005, v.26 no.3, pp.228-238

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Objectives : We conducted a randomized, double-blinded clinical trial to assess the anti-hypertensive effect of Ginseng and to know the difference of the effect according to it°Øs growing districts and species by 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement (ABPM). Methods : We allocated 96 hypertensive patients enrolled in this trial to Korean ginseng (KG), American ginseng (AG), Chinese ginseng (CG), and Korean red ginseng (KRG) groups by randomization. Each subject was administered 4.5mg/day of encapsulated ginseng for 4 weeks. We assessed anti-hypertensive effect, blood pressure variability using ABPM and toxicity by blood chemistry before and after treatment. We also evaluated changes of symptoms due to hypertension and adverse effect in all groups at the first visit, 2 weeks later and 4 weeks later. Results : Blood pressure after treatments showed significant decrease of systolic blood pressure (sBP) in the CG-group (p<0.05) and diastolic blood pressure (dBP) in the KRG-group (p<0.05). However, there were no significant changes of sBP (or dBP) after treatment in the other groups and no significant difference in changes of BP between before and after treatment among the 4 groups. Blood pressure variability in the CG-group showed significant decrease after treatment but not in the KRG-group. Symptoms such as headache or neck stiffness and heating sensation due to hypertension improved significantly in all groups, especially in the KRG-group. All patients had no adverse effect after treatment and there was no liver or kidney toxicity. Conclusions : CG and KRG seem to have anti-hypertensive effects, but there was no significantly different effect depending on growing district and species of Ginseng.

Blood pressure, ginseng, ambulatory blood pressure measurement, blood pressure variability, average real variability.

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