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Towards a Working Peace System on the Korean Peninsula: A Perspective on the Theory of Peace States

Korea Journal / Korea Journal, (P)0023-3900; (E)2733-9343
2011, v.51 no.2, pp.105-129

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Discussions on inter-Korean peace and unification under the armistice regime have followed one of two trajectories. Some believe that the sustenance of the armistice is equal to peace, drawing a direct connection between the rmistice regime and unification. Other scholars include the establishment of a peace system as a precursor to unification. Additionally, there are two types of unification methodologies: unification by absorption, in which unification occurs through one side’s absorption of the other, and consensus-based unification, which requires the equal participation of the South and the North in the unification process. A combination of a peace system and consensus-based unification is perhaps the most ideal method because a state of peace can be pursued by peaceful means. However, its realization is unlikely because establishing peace on the Korean peninsula is a complex process involving multiple actors including South Korea, North Korea, the United States, and China. This paper explores the conditions for a sustainable peace system on the Korean peninsula based on an exploration of existing debates on the establishment of peace systems.

peace system, peace regime, armistice regime, unification, Korean peninsula



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