ISSN : 0023-3900
This article examines the life spiritualism of Donghak, one of the representative Korean national religions, to establish the relevance of Donghak in the search for metaphysical references for a new value system in the global age. The current reign of multinational corporations and recent leaps in information technology have turned the whole world into a single mega society that defies the traditional world order characterized by blocks of nation states. This change—in the way the different parts of the world are connected—presents a new challenge for humanity: the need to establish a global community governed by the idea of peace and a respect for life. The road map to this new community begins with a step, and this step consolidates a value system that helps to supersede the refuse of the old world order such as war, materialism, alienation, racial, and sexual discrimination, and environmental destruction. Donghak ideals can be of great help in this venture towards a new global community, and thus, this study on Donghak’s life spiritualism suggests a way of utilizing one of the most traditional Korean value systems in trailblazing a path towards a new value system—much needed in the emerging global order.
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