open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was investigated Intelligence impairment and executive functioning impairment in patients with schizophrenia using the K-WAIS and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. 46 patients with schizophrenia was divided into positive type(N=12), negative type(N=18) and mixed type(N=16) on the basis of PANSS scale. The results showed that the three groups differed significantly in premorbid IQ estimated from demographic variables, but not in premorbid IQ estimated from vocabulary. In the subcategories of WCST, total number of errors, number of categories completed and perseverative errors except for total number correct showed significant group differences. In the K-WAIS, comprehensive and digit symbols showed significant differences between the negative type and the mixed type. In conclusion, the negative type schizophrenics showed the more intelligence and executive functioning impairments than the mixed type schizophrenics.