open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was to investigate how much the executive function, measured by Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, symptoms, measured by Behavior and Symptom Identification Scale(BASIS-32), and intelligence, equivalent to general adaptation ability, could predict the work performance. The subject were 40 chronic schizophrenics(male: 18, female:22). To identify the variables predicting work function, multiple regression analysis was used, and dependent variable was work function, and independent variables were Wisconsin Card Sorting Test(WCST) score, symptom score, and intelligence. As the result of the multiple regression analysis, 'trials to complete 1st category' of WCST predicted significantly 'work motivation', 'task orientation' of work function. The 'Psychosis' of symptom scale predicted 'task orientation', 'Work Conformance', 'impulsive & Addictive Behavior' of symptom scale predicted the 'social skill' of work function, and 'daily living and role functioning skill' predicted 'personal presentation' work function. So executive function and symptom reduction can influence positively the work function of the patients. Therefore, cognitive rehabilitatory approach, enhancing the executive function, is needed for improving the work motivation and task orientation of work function. In addition, symptom reductions are thought to enhance the compliance, social skill, expression skill of workplace, and finally entire work function level.