open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study is to examine that WCST is sensitive to the disturbances outside the frontal lobe. Wisconsin Card Sorting Test performance was examined by factor analyses on the six indices of WCST in three patient groups with schizophrenia, complex partial seizures of left or right temporal lobe origin. On the schizophrenia patients group, two factors were derived from the analysis. These consisted of concept formation and perseveration, and concept maintenance and nonperseverative errors. On the left temporal lobe patients group, one factor that was named concept formation and perseveration was derived from the analysis. On the right temporal lobe patients group, two factors were derived from the analysis, which were concept formation and perseveration, and concept maintenance. Stepwise multiple regression analyses were performed with 5 indices of WCST as the dependent variables. Attention, IQ and visual immediate memory were influential variables of 5 indices of WCST in three patient groups. The results of this study are consistent with Hermann's neural noise hypothesis concerning poorer performance in patients with epileptic foci in the temporal lobe. The results also suggest that WCST is multifactorial and complex tests.