open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was attempted to develop a restrained eating scale which improves the Herman and Polivy's restraint scale. A 15-item scale was developed to measure restrained eating level. The scale, consisting of cognition, affect and intention to behavior dimension, was administered to 609 female university students. Major results are as follows. The reliability(Cronbach's alpha) to cognition dimension was .78, the affect .89, intention to behavior .92, and the global scale .92. In confirmatory factor analysis, three dimension model was fitted(RMSEA=.0862. CFI=.932, GFI=.883, NNFI=.918). Futhermore, in the criterion related validation, this scale explained 46.7% of the last 1 year's restraint eating behaviors and 32.5% of the last 2 weeks' restrained eating behaviors. The limitations of this study and future directions for further study were discussed.