open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The study examined the effects of cognitive rehabilitation program developed by process-specific approach for chronic schizophrenic patients. The essential strategy of this approach is the repeated administration of hierarchically organized treatment task that target remediation of specific cognitive areas. It's ultimate purpose is to improve level of vocational ability and independent living. The subjects were 9 patients, at the day care center in Yulrin-Maeum Psychiatry. The cognitive rehabilitation program was composed of attention training part and memory training part. Each part of the program was administered for 20 sessions, two times per week. Primarily, the result of attention training program showed that there was significant change in the scores of pre-post test on the arithmetic, block design of KWIS, and F2% of d2. Secondly, there was a another significant change in the scores on the total number, recognition of RAVLT after memory training program. The results suggest that cognitive rehabilitation program be potentially effective for remediation of chronic schizophrenics cognitive impairment. The limitations of this study and future directions for further study were discussed.