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Article Detail

The Naming Ability of Traumatic Brain Injured Patients with Language Disturbance


The purpose of this study was to compare quantitatively or qualitatively naming ability between patients with language disturbance caused by traumatic brain injury and normal controls. The Korean version Boston Naming Test(K-BNT) was administered to 27 patients and 27 normal controls and then the performance of K-BNT between the two groups was compared, and cut-off scores, efficiencies, sensitivities, specificities, positive predictive powers and negative predictive powers of two separate scoring systems(total score and percentile) were calculated. Also, the error types in K-BNT responses of two groups were analyzed. The total score and percentile of K-BNT were lower in patients than normal controls. Cut-off scores of K-BNT total score and percentile were 36 and 4%ile, these two scores significantly discriminated patients from normal controls. Omission error and semantic error were more frequent in both groups. Finally, the suggestions, limitations and further issues for future study were discussed.

language disturbance, traumatic brain injury, naming ability, error type, Korean version Boston Naming Test, 언어장애, 외상성 뇌손상, 이름대기 능력, 오류유형, 한국판 보스톤 이름대기 검사
