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Reliability of Korean Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale(BPRS) -Comparison of interrater reliability between the two rating methods and correlation of BPRS and SCL-90 self-report test-


This study purported to compare the inter-rater reliability of Korean Brief Psychiatry Rating Scale-Anchored Version(BPRS; Overall, 1962) between the joint interview and the separation interview and to study the correlation between BPRS and self-report test(SCL-90). The subjects consisted of 21 inpatients in University psychiatric hospital. In the joint interview, the two 10-month experienced clinical psychology trainees rated the BPRS 18 items. In the separation interview, another licenced clinical psychologist alone rated the same patients. Also SCL-90 scales were administered to the same patients. The scores of the clinician-rated BPRS were correlated with those of the SCL-90-R, a self-report measure. The results showed that joint interview produced higher reliability than separation interview. The analysis of correlations between the BPRS and SCL-90 indicated that Anxiety, Hostile, Suspicious items of theBPRS were significantly correlated with Anxiety, Hostile, Depression, Paranoid Ideation, Interpersonal Sensitivity, Psychoticism scales of the SCL-90-R respectively. The limitations and clinical implications of this study and the recommentations for the future study were suggested.

Korean BPRS-anchored version, Korean SCL-90, inter-rater reliability, joint interview, separation interview, correlation study with self-report measure., BPRS(Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale), 평정자간 신뢰도, 짝진면접, 개별면접, SCL-90-R, 자기보고식 검사와의 상관
