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This study investigated the effects of the types of children's disorders and the maternal attachment styles on rearing attitude and parenting stress. Children were divided into three groups, children with physical disabilities, with mental disorders, and normal controls. Revised Adult Attachment Scale(RAAS), Maternal Behavior Research Instrument(MBRI), and Parenting Stress Index(PSI) Scale were administered to 115 mothers of children with mental or physical disabilities and 110 mothers of normal children. The results were as follows. The mothers of children with mental disorders showed most negative rearing attitude. The mothers with secure attachment style showed more positive rearing attitude than the mothers with avoidant and ambivalent attachment styles. The mothers with secure attachment style showed more controlling attitude for the children with mental disorders than the physically disabled children and the normal children. However, the mothers with anxious or avoidant attachment styles showed more controlling attitude for physically disabled children. There were significant differences in parenting stress of mothers according to the types of disorders of children. The mothers of children with mental disorders perceived highest level of parenting stress. The mothers with avoidant and ambivalent attachment styles experienced more higher parenting stress than the mothers with secure attachment style. The suggestions and the limitations of this study, and the directions of future study were discussed.
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