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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This preliminary study aimed to develop a group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT) program for the adolescents with depression and anxiety disorders. The CBT program intended to alter the negative self- scheme and to train the social skills of the adolescents, which is required in the interpersonal relationships. Through a screening survey, 279 junior high school students with high scores in depression and anxiety was selected and then eight students(2 male, 6 female) among them was selected through detailed diagnostic interview. The CBT program was conducted to 8 students: two 2-hour-sessions per week, for three weeks. The subjects showed significantly lower scores in depression and anxiety after the treatment, and they also showed significantly lower level of social anxiety, especially in the subcategories of the performance anxiety and of the fear of negative feedback. And the subjects reported positive change of self concept, and the level of their depressive cognition, social anxiety cognition, and negative peer representation were decreased. The effects in depressive symptoms, performance anxiety, fear of negative feedback, and positive self-concept maintained at six months follow up. Lastly we discussed the results by subcategories and the clinical implications for the adolescents' depression and anxiety. Limitations and suggestions for future study were mentioned.
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