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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The present study aimed to examine the different deficits of executive functions in children and adolescents with a diverse range of diagnoses of ICD-10. The subject(n= 49) aged 11 to 18 years belonged to 5 diagnosis groups which were as follows: eating disorder (ED), neurotic disorder, conduct disorder (CD), hyperkinetic disorder (HKD), and schizophrenia. The subjects were compared on a neuropsychiatric test battery consisted of the following 4 executive function tasks according to the narrow definition of EF: WCST perseverative error, TOH move, TMT Part B, and CPT nogo. The 5 diagnostic groups were distinguished significantly on the variables, perseveration(set-shifting), cognitive flexibility, passive avoidance (inhibition), but they didn't be on behavior planning. The schizophrenic patients performed significantly worse than 4 other psychiatric groups on the perseveration(set-shifting) and cognitive flexibility. The patients with HKD showed the significant worse performance than the rest 4 groups in regards to passive avoidance (inhibition). The patients with ED presented with a perseveration(set-shifting) more deficit than the rest groups without schizophrenia, but it did not reach statistical significance. These findings suggest that the specificity of EF for specific diagnosis groups exists, i. e. there are quality differences of EF between diagnosis groups.
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