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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study examined violent computer game effects on aggressive delinquency, non aggressive delinquency, internet delinquency, and internet game addiction. The specific aim of this study was to examine that long-term exposure to violent games would increase in aggressive delinquency, non aggressive delinquency, internet delinquency, and intenet game addiction. Participants consisted of 330 high school students. Correlational analysis indicated that long-term exposure to violent games was positively related to aggressive delinquency, non aggressive delinquency, internet delinquency, and internet game addiction. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that long-term exposure to violent games, aggressive personality, interaction of long-term exposure to violent games and aggressive personality significantly predicted aggressive delinquency. On the other hand, sex, long-term exposure to violent computer games, aggressive personality significantly predicted non aggressive delinquency, internet delinquency, and internet game addiction. These results suggest that exposure to violent games will increase off-line and on-line aggressive-related behaviors and internet game addiction in the long term.
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