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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This article describes three studies examining the psychometric characteristics of a Korean version of the Taijin Kyofusho Scale (K-TKS) - an instrument recently developed to measure social phobia symptoms with concern for offending others. In Study 1, factor analysis of the K-TKS revealed a one-factor solution. In addition, the results revealed high internal consistency. In Study 2, the results revealed satisfactory test-retest reliability over two-week period, as well as good convergent and discriminant validity. In Study 3, the scale demonstrated sensitivity to change following a group cognitive-behavioral therapy. These findings suggest that the K-TKS is a highly reliable, valid measure to assess social phobia symptoms with concern for offending others. Lastly, the utilization of the K-TKS in the research and clinical practice of social phobia with concern for offending others as well as the limitation of the present studies were discussed.
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