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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study examined the psychopathology and personality characteristics in homosexuality and gender identity disorder(GID) using MMPI, Rorschach, DAP. The subjects were 15 homosexuals and 30 GID males who came to a university hospital for military use-related medical certificate. In MMPI, other than a significant elevation on Mf scale, GID group did not demonstrate any significant elevations on the other scales. Homosexuality group showed significant elevations on Mf and D scales. There were no significant differences between GID and homosexuality on clinical scales. Interestingly, when T scores of the desired sex(female) were used for GID, Mf score fell within the normal range. In addition, Hs, D, Mf scores of GID were lower significantly than those of homosexuality. In Rorachach, both GID and homosexuality groups were not found to be pathological obviously on perceptual accuracy and self-image. But both groups showed a slight impairment on the empathic capacity and the accuracy of social perception. In DAP, while the majority of homosexuality group drew same sex first, two thirds of GID drew opposite sex first, and significant difference existed between two groups. Overall, although both homosexuality and GID groups showed a moderate level of psychopathology in some areas, the findings of this study did not demonstrate severe psychopathology in both groups. The results were discussed and directions for future research were suggested.
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