open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The Dysfunctional Beliefs Test(DBT) is a 70-item self-report inventory, which has a hierarchical structure with three first-order factors (negative social self-concept, excessive demand for others approval, and negative belief of others and social relations) and a single second-order factor(Cho, 2004; Cho & Won, 1999). In this study, to construct a short version of the DBT, Rasch Rating Scale model was applied to the three sub-dimensions of the DBT in a sample of undergraduate students(N = 571). Results showed that 6-point rating scale was more appropriate for the DBT than the 7-point scale used originally. And, for each of the three dimensions, based on item fit and item difficulty indexes estimated from Rasch model, 12 items were finally selected for a short version of the DBT. Finally, the utilization of the short version of the DBT as well as the limitations of this study were discussed.
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