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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of problem-solving group therapy for bullies and victims. Eight bullies and twelve victims were selected as an experimental group through K-MPNI, and eleven bullies and eight victims in the waiting list group were used as a control group. The problem-solving group therapy consisted of eight sessions. The first step was to build an emotional and physical relationship with bullies and victims, to recognize the negative effects of bullying through an exclusion experience, and to create self-awareness of the students' interpersonal patterns. The focus of middle step was to train the steps of interpersonal problem-solving skills, while each subject was expected to think about how to cope with bullying as a defender. The last part of the program was to practice it in real-life and to train a communication skills. The result of this study was divided into two groups. In victim group, the frequency nominated by peers for being bullied and the victimization frequency reported by self were decreased. Indeed, their emotional and behavioral problems were reduced. Both assertive and aggressive response to bullying situation were increased. In bullying group, the frequency nominated by peers for bullying was decreased. In contrast, the bullying frequency reported by self and their emotional and behavioral problems were increased. Both assertive and aggressive response to bullying situation were increased. In conclusion, the clinical implications and limitations of this study, and also the further study were suggested.
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