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This study was to investigate whether parents' positive attitude to child-rearing perceived by their adolescent children 431(226 boys, 205 girls) has moderating of emotional-verbal abuse by parents, that has occurred since childhood but not recognized by the child, on psychosocial adjustment of the adolescent. The findings are as follows. First, parents' use of rejecting words was found to have a significant effect on their teenage children, and parents' use of threatening verbal abuse to have a non-significant effect. Second, parents' verbal abuse was found to have a significantly aggravating effect on social withdrawal of their adolescent children, and a highly lowering effect on the self-esteem. Third, The result showed that the parents' positive attitude reduces their adolescent children's tendency of social withdrawal which was originally caused by verbal abuse, and enhances the self-esteem which was once diminished. Thus, this study suggests that although verbal abuse by parents which is frequently occurring within families but not recognized as a social problem hampers healthy adolescent development, a positive change can still take place depending on the parents' attitude toward parenting perceived by their teenage child.
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