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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study investigated that the peer-support program for the outsiders of the bullying who can concern about the bullying and help the victims were completed and evaluated an effect on the program. This study was completed in 2 schools, and each school has an experimental class and a controled class. Experimental groups who completed the program from selecting as the outsiders in the experimental classes were 21 members and controled groups from selecting as the outsiders in the controled classes were 27 members. The peer-support program was composed of 8 sessions. The first part of the program was focused on the awareness about the bullying, various perspectives about the bullying, and increasing the empathy about the victim. The last part of the program was focused on helping behavior to the victim and improvement methods of the bullying which can be carried out in the class. The study effect was that experimental groups who participated in the program increased the concern about bullying situations. However, experimental groups did not have significant changes in the bulling situation and the helping behavior to the victim. We discussed about the suggestion of the result, the meaning, the restriction of this study and the following study.
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