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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was to develop a multifactorial memory enhancement program to deal effectively with memory problems that healthy older adults might experience in their normal aging process. The effectiveness of the program was tested in 128 healthy elder people who lived in Seoul. The multifactorial memory enhancement program developed in this study, included three factors which were known to be effective based on previous empirical studies. The aim of this study was to examine if the multifactorial memory enhancement program would have better effects on objective memory tests and on daily memory functioning of older adults than the memory strategy training program. The results of this study were as follow. First, individuals in the multifactorial memory enhancement program showed significant improvement only in delayed face recognition test among the objective memory performance compared with the memory strategy training program and the control group, but no significant differences were found in other objective memory performance tests. Second, individuals in the multifactorial memory enhancement program showed greater improvement in daily memory functioning than those in the memory strategy training program and the control group. Third, the multifactorial memory enhancement program was demonstrated to be effective in improving the sense of memory control, cognitive activity level, and in reducing depressed mood. Overall, this study demonstrated efficacy of the multifactorial memory enhancement program in the daily memory functioning, which could contribute to promote the quality of life for older adults but not on the objective memory performance test.
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