open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a scale for measuring behavioral symptoms of pathological Internet use among adults. It is proposed how to use the scale for diagnostic classification of adult Internet users. The Developmental process includes initial item development, item analysis of preliminary scale, validation of 20-item scale, and setting a cutoff score for diagnostic classification. Data were collected from 1,170 adults in their 20s or 30s who are frequent Internet users. We employed a criterion-referenced approach to discriminate between normal and pathological Internet use according to a cutoff score set by 10 expert judges who work as Internet addiction specialists. As a result, the 20 item self-report scale measuring pathological Internet use was developed and reliability, construct validity and criterion-related validity of this scale were examined. Cronbach's alpha, a measure of internal consistency for this scale was 0.87. The results of exploratory factor analysis showed that the scale consists of 4 factors-inclination toward virtual reality, distraction and mood alteration, tolerance and preoccupation, and feeling guilty for Internet use. We suggested this scale as a screening tool for Internet addiction among adults and discussed the limitations of the present study and issues for further study.
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