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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study aimed to examine effects of general cognition and social cognition variables on chronic schizophrenics' interpersonal function in ward. For this purpose, we evaluated symptoms, general cognitive abilities and social cognitive abilities of 23 chronic inpatients with schizophrenia and these variables' relationship to interpersonal function in ward was investigated. BPRS-E, Korean-Auditory Verbal Learning Test(K-AVLT), Social Behavior Sequencing Task(SBST), and Korean-Social Cue Recognition Test-Revised (K-SCRT-R) were administered to each patient and interpersonal function was measured by Independent Living Skill Survey. Pearson correlation showed that interpersonal function in ward was not correlated with BPRS-E and SBST, but significantly correlated with K-SCRT-R and delayed recognition in K-AVLT. To examine to what extent these variables explained interpersonal function, stepwise regression analysis was conducted. Result showed that intention cue perception in K-SCRT-R solely explained 25% of the variance of interpersonal function in ward. Finally, bootstrap analysis was conducted to examine if social cognitive abilities mediated between general cognitive abilities and social function in ward. Result showed that K-AVLT was significantly mediated by intention cue perception of K-SCRT-R in its effect on interpersonal function. Implications and effective intervention methods for chronic schizophrenics' rehabilitation were discussed.
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