E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study aimed to analyze the influence of the auditory attention on childrens’ and adolescent’s cognitive function. It has been recently reported that auditory attention has great impact on children’s & adolescents’ cognitive functions, although this has been studied less and the findings applied less to psychological assessment and intervention than has visual attention. The analysis (correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression) was done using the data from 44 subjects who visited and underwent psychological testing at center in Seoul between 2004 and 2006., The correlation results showed the auditory attention on the CPT has strong relationships with the overall IQ subtests, but visual attention on the CPT has significant relationships with only 4 IQ subtests. On the stepwise multiple regression analysis, auditory attention was a significant predictor of the total IQ, the verbal IQ and the performance IQ. In conclusion, this researcher suggests that these results might be caused by the transcoding processing effect, the difficulty of the auditory attention task as compared to the visual attention task and the close connection between auditory attention and the emotional aspect. It is expected this reporting can be applied to the development of more refined and elaborated assessment tools and a cognitive enhancement program in the future.
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