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This was a prospective study designed to test the stress generation theory which suggests that depression predicts stressful life events and to investigate the role of social skills as a mechanism of stress-generation in depression. The participants were 224 under-graduate students who completed the questionnaires about major stressful life events, depression and social skills on two occasions, one month apart. The data were analyzed using cross-lagged panel correlation analysis, MANOVA, and regression analysis. The results were as follows: (1) Stressful events predicted subsequent depression, and depression predicted subsequent stressful events.(2) Depressed people had more dependent events and more interpersonal events after one month than non-depressed people, but depressed people did not have more independent events than non-depressed people. (3) In terms of the three factors on the BDI, negative attitudes towards self predicted subsequent stressful life events more than the other two factors, performance impairment and somatic disturbance. (4) Although social skills in general were not shown to have moderating effects on the relationship between depression and subsequent stressful events, moderating effects were found for various sub-factors of social skills such as emotional expressivity, social expressivity, emotional control and social control. The clinical implications and the limitations of the study were discussed.
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