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This study was performed to develop a scale that could predict and screen offenders’ suicidal risk level and prevent their suicide from occurring by using this scale. In the first study, the hopelessness, depression, impulsivity, suicide and self-injury variables were considered essential to the risk of suicide, and the pilot scale was composed with using them. After the pilot items were selected through binomial analysis, 267 offenders(142 males and 125 females) in ○○ women’s correctional institution and ○○ men’s correctional institution participated in the scale development. In the second study, we administered the questionnaire and we examined the sensitivity and specificity to select the offenders who were at a high risk of suicide for a total 396 incarcerated offenders in the country. The results of factor analysis help develop a scale with 32 items that focused on hopelessness, depression, impulsivity, suicide ideation and self-injury. The reliability and validity of the developed scale turned out to be appropriate. The AUC of the suicide risk screening scale was .95. So we suggest that this scale is useful for screening the suicide risk of incarcerated offenders.
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