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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between emotion regulation and emotional disorders in terms of emotion regulation strategies. Study I examined the correlation between the Emotion Regulation Strategy Questionnaire(ERSQ) and the maladaptiveness index, including depression, anxiety and the self-esteem measure, for the undergraduate students. The results showed that 6 strategies(‘Think negatively’, ‘Blame others’, ‘Burst into negative emotion to others’, ‘Burst into negative emotion in a secure situation’, ‘Binge eating’ and ‘Be engaged in addictive activity’) are correlated positively and 7 strategies(‘Think actively’, ‘Think passively’, ‘Imagine pleasurable things’, ‘Take problem-solving action’, ‘Ask for advice or help’, ‘Meet intimate person’ and ‘Refresh oneself’) are negatively correlated with it. In study II, 31 patients with depressive disorder, 26 patients with anxiety disorder and 32 normal controls responded to the ERSQ. The results showed that participants with emotional disorders reported 6 strategies, which all turned out to be maladaptive in study I, more often than did the normal controls. On the contrary, the normal controls reported 7 strategies that manifested as adaptive in study I and ‘Accept cognitively’ more often than did participants with emotional disorders. Finally, the implications and limitations of the study and suggestions for future research are discussed.
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