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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to test the validity of the Restructured Clinical(RC) scales of the MMPI-2. The participants were 393 university students who completed the MMPI-2, the SCL-90-R, and the MCMI-Ⅲ. The inter-correlations among the RC scales were lower than those among the original clinical scales. The result is interpreted that the RC scales were well discriminated with each other. The result of the correlation analysis between the RC scales and the original clinical scales was that each of the RC scales excepting RC3 were most strong positive correlation with their parental clinical scales. The RC3 was negatively correlated with clinical scale 3(Hy). The RC scales were strongly correlated with the conceptual corresponding sub-scales more than the conceptual non-corresponding sub-scales of the MMPI-2, SCL-90-R, and MCMI-Ⅲ. The findings suggest that the MMPI-2 RC scales have good validity, and these scales could provide specified informations about the personality and psychopathology as compared with the original clinical scales.
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