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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cognitive coping strategies on the relationships between multidimensional perfectionism and anger expression. A sample of 238 undergraduate students(127 men and 111 women) completed Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, Cognitive Emotional Regulation Questionnaire, and State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory. Two mediating models were hypothesized in this study. In the first model, it was assumed that adaptive cognitive coping would mediate the relationship between self-oriented perfectionism and adaptive cognitive coping. In the second model, it was assumed that maladaptive cognitive coping would mediate the relationship between socially prescribed perfectionism and maladaptive anger expression. Hierarchical multiple regression was conducted to examine the predicted mediating effects of cognitive coping. The results showed that self-oriented perfectionism directly influenced adaptive anger expression, and that socially prescribed perfectionism influenced maladaptive anger expression both directly and indirectly through maladaptive cognitive coping. Therefore, while self-oriented perfectionism increased adaptive anger expression, the mediating effect of adaptive cognitive coping predicted in the first model was not supported. However, as predicted in the second model, maladaptive cognitive coping did mediate the relationship between socially prescribed perfectionism and maladaptive anger expression. These findings suggest that self-oriented perfectionists and socially prescribed perfectionists cognitively process failure experiences in different ways. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study were discussed with suggestions for the future research.
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