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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The Vancouver Index of Acculturation (VIA) was developed to measure the acculturation of immigrants settling in Canada. The purpose of the current study was to develope and validate a Korean version of the VIA, in order to measure the acculturation of defectors from North Korea who settle in South Korea. Data were collected from 70 North Korea adolescent defectors. Reliability, assessed by Cronbach' α, was .63, .80, .82 for the full scale, the North Korea acculturation subscale and the South Korea acculturation subscale, respectively, which confirm the Korean VIA's reliability. Item refinement resulted in a 16-item version of the North Korea defector acculturation scale because 4 items showing an item-subscale correlation lower than .40 were eliminated. A two factor structure model exhibited a reasonable fit on the basis of overall fitness criteria (CFI = .865, TLI = .830, RMSEA = .080) acquired by using the confirmatory factor analysis. The Korean version of the VIA showed a statistically significant correlation with acculturation-related variables, North Korea defectors' acculturation strategy type and belonging to North Korea results. However, the Korean VIA did not show a significant correlation with self efficacy, which confirm discriminant validity. These results suggest satisfactory construct validity. Finally, criterion validity was supported by using the group that had a South Korea public school education and group that didn't. Limitations and implications of this study were discussed.
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