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This study investigated the role of experiential avoidance in the relationship between nightmares and psychopathology in a sample of 461 college students. We considered nightmare frequency, nightmare distress, experiential avoidance, psychological symptoms, schizotypal personality disorder, and borderline personality disorder. The results indicated that the interaction between experiential avoidance and nightmare frequency was a significant predictor of nightmare distress. For lower nightmare frequencies, nightmare distress did not correlate with nightmare distress. However, at higher nightmare frequencies nightmare distress was positively correlated with experiential avoidance. The interaction between experiential avoidance and nightmare distress was a significant predictor of the psychopathological severity. The greater the nightmare distress, the greater the effect of experiential avoidance upon the psychopathological symptoms was found. We discuss the clinical implications of these results, limitations of the study, and possible directions for future study.
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