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This study investigated the clinical availability of the MMPI-2 PSY-5 scale, developed to describe personality pathology. For this study normal adults(N=682) including college students completed the PSY-5 scale, the NEO-FFI, and the DTPD(Diagnostic Test of Personality Disorders). The results of correlational and multiple regression analysis showed significant correlations among the PSY-5 scale scores and PDs and clusters of PDs as expected, and also showed that 10 PDs could be significantly explained via the PSY-5 scale. To compare the relative potentialities of the PSY-5 scale and the NEO-FFI to explain PDs, Steiger's z-test to adjusted R square was carried out. The results revealed that the two scales accounted similarly for the variance in PDs, and the PSY-5 scale accounted for more of the variance in antisocial PD symptoms than did the NEO-FFI, while the NEO-FFI scale accounted for more of the variance in dependent PD, and obsessive-compulsive PD symptoms. These results suggest that the PSY-5 scale estimates both normal personalities and personality disorders well as does the FFM. Thus, we concluded that the PSY-5 scale is valid for estimating PDs. We discussed the results of this study compared to those of previous studies.
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