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This study aimed to identify statement patterns of sexually abused children. As such, we analyzed first disclosure type, statement ability, statement variation between initial and forensic interviews, and impact factors related to the statement patterns. The participants were confirmed sexually abused children (n=190). Results indicated that in the initial stage, 50% spontaneously disclosed, 34.7% disclosed to non-leading questions, 14.2% disclosed to leading questions, and 1.1% never disclosed their SA. Initial spontaneous disclosure was related to age, gender, IQ, SA frequency, threat intensity, victim-perpetrator's relationship, and dissociation tendency. Disclosure rates during the forensic interview were 86.3%. 49.5% disclosed to open questions, 25.8% disclosed to specific questions, and 11.1% disclosed to leading questions. 5.3% reported more information than the initial reports. Fifty percent reported information as much as the initial reports. 30.5% reported significantly less information as compared to their initial reports. 13.2% recanted their previous reports. It was also found that children who initially disclosed to leading question and/or young children were more likely to recant. However, there was no significant relationship between victim-perpetrator's relationship and recantation. In terms of statement ability based on amount of reported information, 41.6% had good enough competency, 26.3% had not good enough competency, and 18.4% had no competency for SA statement. Those who spontaneously disclosed in the initial stage and/or who had supportive caretaker were found to reveal more substantial information than others. Further, age was a effective variable for statement ability; however, this was limited to children younger than eight years old. The implications of the finding and limitations of current study, as well as, recommendations for future studies have been provided.
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