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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The Obsessive Compulsive Cognitions Working Group have suggested certain dysfunctional beliefs are important factors for the development and maintenance of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). However, it is unclear whether these belief domains have specific relationships with obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS). Therefore, the present study investigated the relationships between obsessive beliefs, which were assessed using the Obsessive Belief Quesionnaire-44, and several anxiety disorder symptoms including OCS, pathological worry (PW), and social anxiety symptoms (SAS) in a sample of 466 college students. Results of partial correlation and hierarchical regression analyses, after controlling for negative affect, revealed that obsessive beliefs were closely associated with PW as well as OCS, but demonstrated a relatively weak relationship with SAS. In particular, Inflated Responsibility/Overestimation of Threat exhibited a specific relationship with OCS, while Perfectionism/Intolerance of Uncertainty was significantly associated with all the anxiety disorder symptoms, including OCS, PW, and SAS. In contrast, Importance/Control of Thought did not significantly contribute to any anxiety disorder symptoms. Implications of these results and suggestions for further study have been discussed.
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