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The purpose of this study was to identify a depressive-delinquent comorbid group in early adolescence and to explore the effect of temperament and gender for this group. A total of 1,636 middle school students participated in the study. A latent profile analysis(LPA) was executed resulting in five latent classes: “normal”, “moderate depression”, “severe depression”, “moderate delinquency”, and “comorbid”. Through a multinomial logistic regression analysis, the “comorbid” class was significantly explained by high Novelty Seeking(NS) and high Harm Avoidance(HA). Gender did not significantly explain the “comorbid” class, perhaps due to the ages of the subjects as well as various cultural differences. Overall, the results of this study suggest that many delinquent adolescents actually experience meaningful emotional problems such as depression. Further, their high novelty seeking and high harm avoidance tendencies predispose them to greater psychological maladjustments by arousing everyday conflicts and ambivalences. The limitations of this study have been discussed along with suggestions for further research.
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