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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of forgiveness intervention through writing on psychological adjustment in individuals who had previously experienced interpersonal trauma. Thirty-three undergraduate students who had experienced interpersonal trauma and had exhibited PTSD symptoms, were included in this study. They were randomly assigned to three groups: forgiveness therapy (FT) writing group, self-disclosure (SD) writing group, and waiting-list control group. Each of two writing groups wrote about their traumatic experience five times, each lasting 20~30 minutes. Dependent variables included forgiveness toward offender, trait-state anger, shame, hope, self-esteem, and symptom severity and were measured three times: before, after, and a couple of weeks after writing sessions. Further, internal psychological changes over the five writing sessions examined using the Korean Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count. Results indicated that the FT writing group gained significantly more than both the SD writing group and the control group in terms of total/emotional forgiveness. The FT writing group also exhibited a significantly increased level of behavioral/cognitive forgiveness as compared to the control group. The FT writing group decreased significantly more than the SD writing group with respect to trait anger, and the FT writing group also showed considerable reductions in state anger at a post-test, as well as a reduction in shame as compared with the other groups. Both writing groups exhibited a trend toward improvement in hope compared with controls. With respect to self-esteem, there were no significant differences between any group. Further, the FT writing group decreased significantly more than the SD writing group in terms of PTSD symptoms. Additionally, writing samples from the FT writing group included significantly more words related to empathy, positive/negative emotion, and metaphysical issues than those from the SD writing group. In conclusion, the forgiveness therapy through writing considers as an effective method in terms of psychological adjustment of sufferers of interpersonal trauma. Implications and limitations of this study and suggestions for future studies have been discussed.
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