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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was performed to select preliminary items for self- reported executive function inventory designed for Korean high school students and to evaluate the reliability and the validity. A total of 281 high school students (male 136, 48.4%) were included in this study. The factor analysis was done for the preliminary 89 items and the model fit index was calculated to evaluate the appropriateness of a model. Also, in order to confirm the clinical validity of items, ROC curve's AUC(Area Under the Curve) was produced. In this analysis the Korean version of the Esendorf Schizophrenia Index (ESI)(cutoff point=29) which is the screening scale for the mental problematic high risk group was used. In the results, the 69 items extracted by the factor analysis were composed of five factors. Their internal consistency was excellent and the model fit index was ranged from average to fair. Additionally, the clinical utility through the ROC curve's AUC was proved to be valid. In conclusion, it was suggested that the self-reported executive function inventory of five factors among 69 items as proposed in this study could be a reliable and valid assessment tool. However, the results of this study are preliminary and as such future studies should focus on the verification and expansion of current results, utilizing larger sample sizes.
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Area Under ROC Curve (AUC). http://rss.acs.에서 2009년 9월 인출