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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The present study examined the validity of the Korean version of the Brief Visuospatial Memory Test (K-BVMT) for assessing visuospatial memory in the elderly. The K-BVMT was developed with some modifications in stimulus presentations and scoring methods of the original Brief Visual Memory Test-Revised (BVMT-R) for use with the Korean elderly. The subjects were 258 healthy elderly people (86 men, 172 women; mean age = 68.18 ± 7.54 years; mean education = 5.54 ± 4.78 years) recruited from the community. They were given the K-BVMT, with Seoul Verbal Learning Test, Rey Complex Figure Test, and Judgment of Line Orientation. The K-BVMT was re-administered to 30 subjects after a 4-week interval. The K-BVMT test-retest reliability was significantly high (r = .83 - .84, p < .001). Of 258 subjects, 132 were shown the stimulus without grid, as in the original BVMT-R (NG condition), and the rest were shown the stimulus with grid (G condition). The correlation analyses showed that the K-BVMT correlated significantly with the verbal memory test as well as the visuospatial memory test. In the G condition, however, the K-BVMT correlated more strongly with the visuospatial memory test than with the verbal memory test, in contrast to the NG condition. In the G condition, the K-BVMT factor that consisted of only K-BVMT variables was extracted from the factor analysis, whereas, in the NG condition, the K-BVMT variables were included in the same factor with the verbal memory variables. These results confirmed that the K-BVMT is a valid visuospatial memory test in the G condition. Therefore, elderly norms for the K-BVMT were produced only in the G condition. Finally, we discussed the implications of the differences between the K-BVMT's NG and G conditions in relation to age-related changes in visuospatial memory processing.
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