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This study examined the mediation effects of depressive experience styles between anxiety-avoidance dimensions of attachment and interpersonal problems. 455 undergraduate students were asked to completed the Experiences in Close Relationships Scales(ECR), the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems Circumplex Scales(IIP-C), and the Depression Experiences Questionnaire(DEQ). The results showed that dependency depressive experience style mediated the association between anxious attachment and dependent interpersonal problems. And self-criticism depressive experience style mediated the association between avoidant attachment and independent interpersonal problems. Besides, anxious attachment predicted dependent interpersonal problems and independent interpersonal problems directly, and also predicted self-criticism depressive expeience style. And avoidant attachment predicted independent interpersonal problems directly. Additionally, self-criticism depressive experience style predicted dependent interpersonal problems. These results meant that anxiety attachment influences depressive experience styles and interpersonal problems more expansively than avoidant attachment. Based on these results, the processes that attachment influences depressive experience styles and interpersonal problems were discussed. And the clinical implications and limitations of these results and the suggestions for future researches were also discussed.
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