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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study investigated the correlation between borderline personality trait, early object relationship experience, self-concept, and defense mechanisms. For this research, 474 male and female university students were asked to answer the early object relationship scale, self-concept scale, Korea-defense style questionnaire, and Korea-personality disorder scale. Subsequently, we studied the mediating effects of self-concept and defense mechanism on the association of early object relationship experience and borderline personality traits. The results were as follows; early object relationship experience with parents accounted for 22% of borderline personalities, self-concept in a controled state where early object relationship experience was restricted contributed a further 6%, defense mechanisms in a state that those two variables was restricted accounted for 22% of the results from a hierarchical multiple regression analyses of the variables. Additionally, there was a difference in the way negative early object relationship concerning the mother and father affected borderline personalities through self-concept and defense mechanism. In particular, a negative early object relationship with the mother created borderline personalities directly or indirectly, through self-concept and immature defense mechanisms; however, only the indirect path through self-concept and immature defense mechanism was meaningful in early object relationships with the father. Further, the mediating effect of self-concept and defense mechanism, which was introduced from the path model, was significant as a result of the Sobel test. This research demonstrated that negative self-concept, immaturity, and self-restrictive defense mechanisms serve to mediate the progress in the relationship between negative early object relationships and borderline personality traits. Further, the mediating effect of these variables was variable with respect to each parent. Finally, the limitations and suggestion for further research were discussed.
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